Computational facilities
Currently, all our quantum chemical calculations are performed at ARCHER2 - the UK National Supercomputing Service and Sulis@Warwick University. Some of the other computing facilities we used previously are listed below:
We acknowledge the use of Cirrus UK National Tier-2 HPC Service at EPCC ( funded by the University of Edinburgh and EPSRC (EP/P020267/1)
National Cost: £33,384.96
Via our membership of the UK's HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC (EP/L000202, EP/R029431, EP/T022213)
ARCHER has now retired. We thank Archer for its great service. We had great fun working with you.
ARCHER - UK National supercomputing facility
Via our membership of the UK's HEC Materials Chemistry Consortium, which is funded by EPSRC (EP/L000202, EP/R029431).
HPC Midlands Plus
We acknowledge the use of Athena at HPC Midlands+, which was funded by the EPSRC on grant EP/P020232/1, in this research, via the EPSRC RAP call of spring 2018.
National Cost: £21,772
We acknowledge the use of Athena at HPC Midlands+, which was funded by the EPSRC on grant EP/P020232/1, in this research, via the EPSRC RAP call of spring 2019.
National Cost: £53,304
Supercomputer wales
Via our collaboration with Dr. David J. Willock at the University of Cardiff